Hebrews: A 28-Day Musical Devotional预览
In the Past, Pt. 3
Today’s song is another reprise of an earlier song. After the third warning in chapter 6, the author shifted his stern look-in-the-eye to a warmer pat-on-the-back, referencing their faithfulness in the past as a way to encourage them. He does the same thing in chapter 10: following the fourth warning, the author reminds his readers of a time when they endured suffering and showed compassion on others.
For you have shown yourself faithful in the past,
Now let that faith last!
The Hebrews album by Psallos is a musical adaptation of the Book of Hebrews, created to help people experience this book in a fresh and powerful way. In this 28-day devotional, you will read the entirety of this letter, with the songs from the Hebrews album guiding and enriching your study.