Sufficiently Secure, Supernatually Saved, Single, Satisfied & Set Apart预览

Sufficiently Secure, Supernatually Saved, Single, Satisfied & Set Apart




“Seek FIRST his kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). What a powerful command the LORD has called us to follow. This command is not for us to merely think about God’s kingdom and his righteousness and then we automatically receive our desires, this command requires each of Gods children to govern their lives in alignment with God’s will, word and way in everything one does, thinks or says. 

We are to seek First the Kingdom of God and his righteousness in our personal lives, friendships, God-honoring relationships & connections, business practices, work, school, social functions, families, church and the list goes on. Seeking God requires daily communication with him. 

Seeking God requires daily time with him in prayer and reading his word. Seeking God requires daily alignment adjustments in our actions, emotions and behavior as we keep in step with the Holy Spirit in order to aim towards the target in pleasing our Heavenly Father. 

Seeking God requires time, consistency, focus, diligence, sacrifice and determination. It is important to not get caught up seeking the wrong things that don’t guarantee divine provision, protection and prosperity. Seeking God and obeying his will, word and way will produce the long-lasting fruit of God’s promises fulfilled in one’s life. 

We are to seek God continuously whether one is single or married, seeking God is a lifetime pursuit of constant progression and action. Singleness is an opportunity for one to maximize their time seeking God. With so many distractions in the world today and the pressures from family, friends and individuals who possibly mean no harm, one can get caught up seeking the wrong priority only to find themselves in a cycle of believing that one can obtain “these things” outside of what God commands.  

One must also be mindful of the importance in seeking God as you wait for desires, hopes and dreams to be fulfilled by Him.  When one seeks God consistently, wisdom, understanding, discernment and revelation kick in and with spiritual eyes one can see what relationships to pursue or avoid. 

Seeking God is wise, scripture provides accounts where God blessed individuals with meaningful relationships because they sought him first for example; Isaac, Joseph, Ruth & Moses are just a few.  Seek God first, He’s got you covered with promised blessings awaiting to manifest in your life. 

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Sufficiently Secure, Supernatually Saved, Single, Satisfied & Set Apart

God has created you do great work. When we remain in relationship with God, He will continue to reveal his plan for our lives. Singleness doesn’t equate to loneliness, lack of desirability or failure but is an opportunity to discover the blessings and plan God has for one’s life. This bible plan will encourage readers to discover that in Christ they are Secure, Set Apart, Saved and Satisfied!
