Capeless Heroes: A 7-Day Bible Reading Plan预览

Capeless Heroes: A 7-Day Bible Reading Plan



Day 2: A Hero’s Greatest Gift

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Super Flight, so you can travel the world without having to worry about layovers and kids kicking the back of your seat?

Super Strength, so you can skip the gym, eat all the doughnuts you want, and still have six-pack abs?

Super Senses, so you can see the future and know if this devotional is going to be any good (spoiler alert … it is)? 

A hero’s greatest gift is not their power, but their perspective. One of the distinguishing characteristics of a hero is how they see people and problems. Instead of seeing the obstacles, heroes see hope, possibility, and potential.

God had promised His people a chunk of real state fondly known as the Promised Land. The only thing keeping the Israelites from taking possession was a battle against the current inhabitants, who just happened to be “giants.” But the fight was rigged. God had told them victory was guaranteed. 

But before changing their address at the postal office, the Israelites sent twelve spies to see what they were getting into. They all surveyed the same land, but ten of them reported: “’The land we explored devours those living in it.’” Only two said: “‘The land we passed through and explored is exceedingly good.’” The two groups observed the same land but had two very different perspectives, one based on fear and the other based on faith. The ten spies who saw the situation as impossible never would inherit that land. But the two heroes, Joshua (Hoshea) and Caleb, would return to the Promised Land and enjoy all God had for them. 

Instead of praying for God to change your circumstances, sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is pray for Him to change your perspective. Because perspective is one of the hero’s greatest weapons.

Action Step for Today:

Are you facing difficult circumstances or tough decisions? Ask God to help you see people and problems with eyes of faith rather than fear.

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Capeless Heroes: A 7-Day Bible Reading Plan

God didn’t send Superman, Batman, or Wonder Woman to save the day. He sent ordinary people like you and me! In this 7-day devotional Bible reading plan, we’re going to look at an ordinary man named Joshua who was used by God to rescue Israel, without cape or catchphrase. During this week-long journey, you will learn how you can be a hero in your own corner of the world. Because with God, you put the “her” or “he” in HERO.
