Unblinded Faith: Open Your Eyes To God’s Promises预览

Unblinded Faith: Open Your Eyes To God’s Promises


Firmly Rooted

What do you think it means for love to be the soil where life takes root? If you’ve got a green thumb and don’t mind getting your hands into the dirt, you probably already understand the metaphor. Personally, I overwater my succulents and underwater the outside hanging baskets. I use whatever soil I can find, ignoring the rocks that will become root-growth barriers while forsaking the importance of fertilizer. I suppose I should give up trying to keep the darling plants alive and simply go for the best plastic imitations I can find. If only I didn’t fall madly in love with the idea of it all and neglect to count the cost. Can you relate?

If we are fickle gardeners of our faith, lacking the perseverance to nurture the soil of our hearts, we won't experience the spiritual growth we crave. A lack of spiritual fruit in your life may actually be a root problem.

So what’s keeping those roots from growing down deep? Is it a matter of unrealistic expectations? Do you want your time in the Word to always feel good? Is it hard to get honest with God? Do you feel as if He might not answer your prayers? Are you simply neglecting time with God?

Maybe you get going on a Bible reading plan, only to find you lack the accountability and motivation to stay disciplined. Do you neglect your prayer time because you’re disappointed by God’s answers and don’t want to be bothered turning over the soil of your heart again?

Yes, these are tough questions to answer, but tackling them is like pulling out the weeds and pinpointing the kind of nutrients the soil of your heart desperately needs.

What habits could you develop that would help you grow deep roots of faith that will sustain you during temptation and trials?

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Unblinded Faith: Open Your Eyes To God’s Promises

Do you want the kind of trust that overcomes the world—an unblinded, unflinching, unshakeable faith? Doubt threatens to unravel us at every turn, but today you can start a journey of discovery and confidence in God and all He promises. Spend a little time with author Elisa Pulliam learning how God fashioned you, cares for you and stays right by your side.
