Revive Your Marriage for Business Success预览

Revive Your Marriage for Business Success


Marriage is a challenge, but you are graced to handle it

One of the major reasons marriage is important is because it is a training ground for our businesses. However, having a successful marriage is not easy. In fact, it will be one of your biggest challenges on earth.

The apostle Paul warned us of the difficulties of marriage in 1 Corinthians 7:28: “if thou marry, thou hast not sinned; and if a virgin marry, she hath not sinned. Nevertheless such shall have trouble in the flesh: but I spare you.”

Paul is basically telling us that it would be better to stay single than to get married, because you will have trouble in your marriage. Why? Because marriage is not a natural state of existence for two individuals.

For example, take a manicured golf course and do not tend to it for a year. Return to that site after a year has passed, and you will find that the once manicured golf course looks like a wilderness. The natural state of the golf course is not an ordered manicured lawn but a chaotic wilderness.

In the same manner, if a marriage is left alone, then it will return to its natural state of divorce (two individuals returning to being single). So you see, like keeping a golf course manicured, keeping two people married requires a lot of work for it not to revert to its natural state.

Even Jesus’ disciples recognized the difficulties of staying married. In Matthew 19:9-11, Jesus taught that married people should never get a divorce (except for reason of adultery), and his disciples responded by saying, “If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.” Jesus responds to their observations of the difficulties of staying married by saying, “All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.”

Jesus basically said it is difficult, but God has ordained some to get married and stay married. So if you are married, and desire to qualify as one of God’s business leaders, then you are ordained to stay married and to have a successful marriage. It will take some work on your part, but you are graced to do it.

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Revive Your Marriage for Business Success

If you are married, then your marriage affects your business more than you may realize. A dysfunctional marriage produces a dysfunctional business. A successful marriage produces a successful business. This 4-day devotional looks at the connection between your marriage and business, and provides scripture and guidance in reviving your marriage for business success.
