The Treasures of Psalm 23预览

The Treasures of Psalm 23


His name is “God with you”!

“For His name’s sake.” (the Bible, Psalm 23:3)

I love the song that says, “Your Name is life, Your Name is hope inside me...Your Name is love, a love that always finds me…”

I invite you to discover several names of God in the Bible. Take some time to look over each name and meditate on each verse:

He is El-Shaddai, Almighty God: By this name, God reveals Himself as the God who has all power in heaven and on earth. Although this name reveals the almightiness of God, we don’t have to understand it through a perspective that engenders fear. Rather, we may see it through a lense of awe and gratefulness at His goodwill to us.

“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, ‘I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.’” (Genesis 17:1)

“And God spoke to Moses and said to him: ‘I am the Lord.’” (Exodus 6:2)

He is YHWH Rapha, the Lord Who Heals (or “the Lord who heals you” ): Healing in the Bible covers different domains, those of the soul and the body. The Lord invited the Israelites to recognize that He alone could heal them. He alone, in His love, gave them healing and took care of their inner beings. (Exodus 15:25-26)

He is YHWH Nissi, the Lord is My Banner: God is the One who introduces Himself as the standard, the banner of the One for whom the people of Israel fight. God presents Himself here as the God of dignity, strength, courage, and involvement. (Exodus 17:8-15)

He is YHWH Rohi, the Lord Is My Shepherd: This presentation of God as a shepherd conveys a considerable number of qualities that adorn Him. The image of the shepherd connotes protection, nourishment, caretaking, and guidance. The Lord introduces Himself as a shepherd close to each sheep, knowing each one by its name and taking care of each in an individual way. (Psalm 23:1)

He is YHWH Shammah, the Lord Is There: This name underscores the omnipresence of God. God is present, always and everywhere. Nothing and no one can escape from His presence. Even if we run far away from Him, He is there! (Ezekiel 48:35)

He is YHWH Osenu, the Lord Our Maker : This name of God affirms that the source of all life is in Him. He created all things and it is He who breathes life into everything. (Psalm 95:6)

He is El-Chayim, the Living God: God introduces Himself as the One who is alive from all eternity and for all eternity. He is thus a God who acts practically, in each situation of daily life. God is not a theoretical God, but the God of life! (Joshua 3:10)

He is Immanuel, God with us: This is the name of God made man, incarnate in Jesus Christ. God is not a distant God. He is so close that He chose to live as a man! (Matthew 1:23)

He is Yeshua, Jesus, the Lord is Salvation: This is the name above all other names, the only name by which men can be saved. This name represents the last name of God in biblical revelation. It expresses the beginning and the end of everything. The coming of Christ represents the culminating point of the plan for humanity’s salvation. (Matthew 1:21)

I’ll leave you with one of Jesus’s promises: “‘And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.’” (John 14:13)

Today, ask Him for everything you need based upon His great name!

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Eric Célérier

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The Treasures of Psalm 23

In this reading plan I share my thoughts about Psalm 23. The texts are a meditation on the most emblematic psalm of King David. They contain veritable treasures. Take your time to look at them all! Welcome to this series on Psalm 23!
