After Pentecost: The Disciples Deployed预览

After Pentecost: The Disciples Deployed


Hindrance? Or Help?

Apollos was an intelligent, charismatic guy, the kind of man who commanded attention. Just when members of the Church could have begun to grow weary and stagnate, he burst on the scene with passion and vigor, undeniably equipped by the Holy Spirit with the kind of spiritual gifts most people wish they had. 

Had they allowed jealousy to get in the way, other believers could have taken issue with Apollos. They could have discredited him for his lack of knowledge and inexperience. They could have ended his ministry, but they did not. 

Priscilla and Aquila, believers with a certain claim to fame as Paul’s close friends, chose instead to invest in Apollos, teach him what he was lacking, and set him free to advance the truth of the Gospel in ways they were not specifically equipped by the Holy Spirit to do. Instead of squelching Apollos’ passion, they fueled it, and God’s Kingdom continued to advance through Apollos’ skillful handling of the truth. 

Meanwhile, Peter kept on keeping on. A visionary, Peter understood that God would continue to move long after his death. He could have used that knowledge as an excuse to bow out and retire once he’d done what most people would have considered ‘enough’ for the Kingdom. He could have left the going and doing and telling to others like Apollos, but he did not. 

Furthermore, Peter understood that it was his responsibility to train and equip others who would make an impact beyond his immediate scope of influence and used every bit of the time he was given to help others grow spiritually and teach them to use their spiritual gifts.  

What about you? Are you content with the spiritual gifts God has given you? Do you use them to their full potential? Do you encourage others to live up to their full potential for the good of the Kingdom? Are you making the most of the time God has given you here on earth?  Is the Church helped or hindered in its quest to advance truth by your current type and level of investment? 

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After Pentecost: The Disciples Deployed

Because Peter and the other apostles knew Jesus not only as Savior, but also as teacher, leader, mentor, and friend, they became effective leaders in the early Church drawing continually on Jesus’ words, the example He set, and the experience they gained under His earthly leadership to advance God’s Kingdom by advancing the Gospel. 
