We Believe In Jesus: The Prophet预览

We Believe In Jesus: The Prophet


Jesus Loyal to God: Matthew 5:17

Throughout his ministry, Jesus continually insisted that he was carrying out the Father’s will. He spoke and did only those things that the Father commanded. We see this in many places, such as John 5:19, 30, and 8:28. 

Jesus also made it clear that all his words and works were consistent with those of the prophets that had come before him. For instance, he spoke approvingly of the ministry of John the Baptist in Matthew 11:9-14. He affirmed the prophet Jonah in Matthew 12:38-45. He inaugurated his own ministry in Luke 4 by claiming to fulfill Isaiah 61 and the promised arrival of an anointed prophet. In fact, Jesus repeatedly and constantly affirmed the truth and abiding validity of the entire Old Testament Scripture. 

As he said in Matthew 5:17:

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them (Matthew 5:17).

In these and other ways, Jesus showed that everything he said and did was a demonstration of total loyalty to God. 

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We Believe In Jesus: The Prophet

This reading plan investigates the doctrine of Christology, focusing on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus is God in the flesh, the center of all history, and the only hope for the salvation of humanity and creation. This plan explores Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament office of prophet.  
