Unlimited Lord预览

Unlimited Lord


In my opinion, John’s Gospel is the deepest, most beautiful, most wonderful book in the Bible.

John presents Jesus as God (John 1:1,3,10,14,18). John's Gospel is also the Gospel that calls for a decision. 

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are what are called the synoptic Gospels. "Synoptic” is a technical word meaning “to see the same way,” or “seen together.” Matthew, Mark, and Luke emphasize the human aspect of Christ and focus on what he did

John's Gospel emphasizes the divine aspect of Christ and focuses on who he is, and what he is. John lingers more on Jesus' words than his deeds, more on Jesus' inner nature than his outer actions. John's Gospel is the Gospel of the divinity of Christ.

But John’s Gospel is not some abstract, theological book. It asks us an intensely practical question with eternal consequences. It calls for our decision. We can summarize what John's Gospel says like this: 

"In Matthew, you've seen Jesus as King. He has the right to command us. Our lives are in his hands. In Mark, you've seen Jesus as Servant. We are to serve him with similar compassion. In Luke, you've seen the human Jesus saying, “Love's activity grows when you meditate on God's love.”

"Now," says John. "Do you receive this Man, the Lord Jesus?" 

I love the Gospel of John. It’s my favorite book in the Bible. What’s your favorite verse from the Gospel of John? Share it with your friends, through social media or in some other way. 

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Unlimited Lord

Jesus is the Lord of your life, with his unlimited offer of salvation, connection and joy.  He is the Creator of all things and the Redeemer of the world. But he is also your Savior, your friend and companion; he is your true ladder between earth and heaven. This reading plan offers you the opportunity to meditate about who Jesus really is, and how you can strengthen your connection to him.
