A Season Of Repentance预览

A Season Of Repentance


Peace Far and Near

A central part of the Yom Kippur service is the recitation of confessions. We read from a formal text which covers just about any sin that a person might do and then plead for forgiveness. While all the sins mentioned in the text are important and relevant, there is one that always stands out to me: “ . . . and for the sin which we have committed before You by causeless hatred.” 

Of all the things that we might do wrong, hating another person without a reason occupies a special place of infamy in the Jewish tradition. According to the Jewish sages, it was that particular sin that sealed our fate almost 2,000 years ago when God destroyed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and exiled what remained of His people from Israel.

At the time, the Jewish people were committing many sins. However, the hatred between the people was what caused God to decide that He could no longer dwell among them. What’s more, the sages teach that if we could only rectify that sin, the Holy Temple would be rebuilt once more, right now. 

For every generation who does not see the Temple rebuilt, it’s as if they have destroyed it all over again. Had we learned to love one another unconditionally, instead of continuing to judge, resent, and hate each other for no reason, the Temple would stand once more.

This is a challenge that we all have been trying to overcome for millennia. It’s no wonder; we are so prone to being judgmental, and gossip has become second nature. Pride has replaced forgiveness, and resentment has uprooted mercy. It’s not easy to turn our hate into love, especially when we ourselves have been hurt by others.

As part of the Yom Kippur service we read this passage from Isaiah 57:18-19.  God said: “I have seen their ways, but I will heal them . . . Peace, peace, to those far and near.” The sages explain that God was giving the people advice: It’s easier to make peace with those far from us first, and then turn to those closer to us.

Some of us carry around decades of resentment toward the people closest to us, but can we overlook a slight by a stranger? God is telling us to start by making peace with those far from us – with the person who cut you off on your morning drive, the rude cashier, the irritable coworker. We can start by making peace with those who are distant from us and next considering those closest to us. With God’s help and healing, we then will see peace in the world. 

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A Season Of Repentance

The High Holy Days are the most widely observed Jewish holidays, beginning with Rosh Hashanah , the Jewish New Year, and ending ten days later with Yom Kippur , the Day of Atonement. During this time, Jews around the world examine their lives and seek forgiveness for the coming year.  Challenge yourself to do the same through Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein’s insightful reflections.
