Can I Have Your Attention Please? - Prophetic Gallery Series预览

Can I Have Your Attention Please? - Prophetic Gallery Series


The Seventh Trumpet - Kingdom Transfer  

Thoughts on the Passage

Kingdom transfer – “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ”. 

With the blowing of the seventh trumpet, God takes control. The one portion of creation what was not under His authority now comes under His rule and authority. Heaven now celebrates the kingdom transfer, the rewarding of God’s people and the judgment on those who oppose God. With the seventh trumpet, God now releases His judgment on mankind who reject Him. Yes, this is truly the third woe.

The seven trumpets started in the temple of heaven at the altar where incense was offered. The prayers of God’s people release the seven trumpets that bring kingdom transfer. Now at the end of the seventh trumpet, we are back at the temple of heaven. Now, we are past the altar and we at the ark of His covenant – the place of God’s presence. The time for prayer is finished. The ark represented the location of the law of God – and how God judges all sin in this location. He forgave the sins of the children of Israel when the blood was sprinkling on the top. In Hebrews 9:11-14, we see that Jesus’ blood was brought into this same place to bring forgiveness to mankind. It is the place where sin is judged. Those who have rejected the blood of Jesus now face His wrath. They must face God’s wrath alone.

It is a time of celebration. It is hard to say that judgment is a time of celebration, but we must see that as sad as it is for many, it is a time when justice will be truly released. That is worth celebrating. Those who thought they could bypass God’s justice – they now face it. Those who have suffered – they will see justice done. We celebrate that God has put an end to evil. That is worth celebrating.

We see the seven trumpets sound – and we see the power of our prayers to bring cleansing to this world, to show the world what hell is all about (and how awful it is), we have seen man’s evil against man – and our witness about how the Kingdom of God is so much better than the kingdom of darkness. Our prayers released everything that man needed to hear, see, experience, and suffer so that they would choose life. Our prayers brought in Your Kingdom.


Father, a day is coming when our prayers are finished. There will be no more chances for people to repent. They have chosen to reject Jesus – and they will live with that choice. You empowered us to pray – and release the trumpets. You empowered us to pray – and have this world taste hell in all its evil, mankind releasing evil on one another, and to expose their hatred of Jesus and His kingdom. Now I see how powerful our prayers are. When I pray for Your kingdom to come, I see that it showed Your power deliver us, to protect us, but also to use us to show this world the true nature of their hearts. So help us faithfully do this – and pray that Your kingdom comes soon (Maranatha – come Lord Jesus!). In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Can I Have Your Attention Please? - Prophetic Gallery Series

What do you do when a person whom you love refuses to accept your help? In fact, they get angry at you for trying to help them and reject you. In Plan Six of Revelation, we see God continually trying to get the attention of those whom He loves, but have rejected Him. There is still time for them …but it’s not a lot. Turn now before it’s too late.
