Designed For More预览
A Burning Why: Jesus Prays For Unity
Moving towards unity is so difficult that if we don’t have a burning why to our journey, we will quit when things get hard. We find this why in John 17.
Just moments before drinking the cup of suffering at the cross, Jesus asks the Father for something radical: Jesus asks that His followers would somehow be included into the oneness of the community within the Trinity. Consider the depth of that. And then, He immediately hinges the very mission of the Church on the unity of His followers. “…so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (John 17:23).
Jesus’ prayer was clearly not for unity in a distant future, heavenly existence; it is for the here and now. We must catch here the imperative nature of unity. It comes down to this: without unity, we will be ineffective ambassadors for the Gospel.
In the collective Christian community, there is a transformation that occurs in us, and, through our participation we also receive purpose and mission. Stepping into this fellowship is about becoming, being and doing.
People have a difficult time believing in Christ when His followers don’t work together as one towards our mission. The world needs and wants to see God’s love made visible through our community. When we offer forgiveness and reconciliation, even when others don’t deserve it, God’s love speaks powerfully without words. People begin to believe God may truly love them too.
What is your Christian community like? Be honest. Do any of your relationships actually prevent others from moving closer to Christ? Ask God to help you see what attitudes and actions of yours are helpful or hurtful. Do you have relationships with others who are diverse from you? What is the next “one thing” that could help move your relationships toward the unity Jesus prayed for?
Lord, grant me today a deeper understanding about Your heart for unity and what this looks like for me to be one in You with my Christian brothers and sisters. I need Your courage, wisdom and love in my relationships today. I confess that my judgmental, jealous or critical attitudes often move others away from being unified. Forgive me for any role I played in keeping Your body divided! Help me to love like You. Amen.
God designed His followers to be a radical force for good, but division is one of the greatest limiting factors to our true potential. Imagine what might happen if you awakened to our design and became the answer to Jesus’ prayer for unity. Based on Designed For More, join authors Lucas Ramirez and Mike DeVito to discover why unity matters, and fresh perspective on the role you play in unleashing the unity Jesus prayed for.