Scattered Servants预览

Scattered Servants


The Supernatural and the Supra-Narrative  

As we partner with God at work, we minister His presence to others. We learn to lean into divine whispers and promptings. We listen to what God might speak to individuals. We pray for cancer and arthritis to be overthrown. We counsel our coworkers, we share our hope, we lead others to faith. All of these are the work of the Spirit at work in our work. But the same Spirit who rests upon us for the sake of individuals also rests upon us for the sake of entire industries.

We want more than occasional ministry; we want to see “kingdom industries”—whole workplaces that release good; jobs created that provide dignity, industries immersed in divine reality, individuals aware that their work makes the kingdom available and transforms culture.

Every life-giving industry was designed by God and destined for God. His voice and vision are over it all. Scripture reminds us, “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it.” (Psalm 24:1) And, “The whole earth will be filled with the glory of the knowledge of God.”(Habakkuk 2:14) Therefore, God has infused every workplace with glory. God has written promises over industries. His blessing rests upon trades as diverse as engineering, education, and entertainment. 

Scattered servants are harnessed to the supernatural and the supra-narrative. Their story is God’s story. They understand how being a house cleaner connects with the kingdom, how being a businessman reaches much further than profitability, how being a schoolteacher supplies destiny, how being a pastor invites partnership with the city so that everyone, everywhere can come alive to the mercy, the story, and the glory of God. Then they creatively partner with God to release the optimal potential of the working environment and the industry where they work.

What if we entered the story of God concerning architecture, engineering, bio-sciences, and technologies?
What if we asked about the original design for industries? 
What if we moved from simply inviting God into our workspace to innovating with God?
What if we captured the kingdom assignment in our employment?
What if God was inviting you to work together with Him to bring back life to your industry?
What if we moved from resenting work to being sent to work?
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Scattered Servants

Scattered servants release the kingdom everywhere, every day. It’s what we were made for. We were made to step into the story, breaking out beyond our services, study groups, and strategy meetings. We were made for a story bigger than our local church, greater than culture. In this reading plan, you'll be challenged to step into God's story in your work and your life, no matter where you are.
