Exceptional Bible Characters预览

Exceptional Bible Characters


Daniel is a Bible character who lives large in amazing stories: he survived a burning furnace, and faced down lions in their den overnight, emerging unscathed. A closer reading of the account of his life reveals an admirable life, lived in a foreign country, but still with dedicated love for the God of his people. Daniel had great wisdom and courage, even as a young man (Daniel 1:8). He walked the narrow line of living according to the customs and leadership of the land, yet still remained faithful to God's ways, even when it was dangerous. He trusted God to preserve him; and God did. The king even acknowledges God, ordering the whole nation to fear and revere the God of Daniel (Daniel 6:27). In addition to his faithfulness to God above all, Daniel was so exceptional in his merits, that his enemies could find no cause to accuse him before the king; he was neither corrupt or negligent, and had distinguished himself before the king.

Question: How does Daniel encourage you? Do you find it difficult living in the land you are in, and remaining faithful to God and His ways? Reflect on 1 Peter 2:11-15, and on what Daniel can teach us.


Exceptional Bible Characters

There are so many characters in Scripture, many who stand out in our minds as 'superheroes' for one reason or the other. Yet despite their amazing achievements, often it is their weaknesses, their struggles, which resonate with us and set an example for us to learn from. These exceptional characters provide 'superhero' moments, as well as more 'human' moments, which, can strengthen our faith and trust in God.
