Joy To Your World - Children's Advent Devotional预览

Joy To Your World - Children's Advent Devotional


The Bible says God’s Holy Spirit led Simeon. That is why the words Simeon spoke became part of our Bibles. Through the power of the Spirit, Simeon recognized a six week-old baby as his Messiah. Simeon also understood the new covenant promise between God and man and knew that the baby would grow up to change the world.

Scripture says that Mary and Joseph “marveled” at the words of blessing Simeon spoke over Jesus. But then Simeon turned to Mary, speaking directly to her. He said, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed” (Luke 2:34–35). Simeon didn’t tell Joseph he would suffer because of Jesus. He only told Mary.

Most of the time in Scripture, the word prophecy refers to the preaching of God’s word. Sometimes, the word refers to a vision of what is to come that only God’s Holy Spirit could reveal. We know God’s Spirit told Simeon what to say to Mary because, when Jesus was just six weeks old, Mary knew she would suffer someday because of her son.

Mary suffered great sadness and loss when the soldiers took her son and put him on a cross. Simeon’s words to Mary came true about thirty-three years after he said them. Joseph had probably died when Jesus was a young man. That is why Simeon only said those words to Mary.

Sometimes, as Christians, we make choices that come with a cost. God calls all Christians to give, but sometimes He asks us to “give up” some things as well. Sometimes we give up a friendship if the person is asking us to do something wrong. Sometimes we need to give up something as a kindness to someone else. Sometimes we give up something we want to have so that we have something to give instead.

All of us have been given a wonderful gift because of Christmas. We have a Savior! But, Christmas is a good time to be extra thoughtful about what that gift might mean. Sometimes, like Mary, we need to pay a price on earth in order to make a deposit in heaven.

Mary would send us this Christmas message: No matter what it costs, Jesus is worth it!


Joy To Your World - Children's Advent Devotional

Joy To Your World is written to help your children see the Christmas story through the eyes of those who were present to witness the first century miracles surrounding the Messiah’s birth. Each day provides biblical truth that will offer encouragement about the power and purpose of Christmas joy and sharing that joy with others.
