#BETHEGIFT Someone Needs Today预览

#BETHEGIFT Someone Needs Today


Restored Relationship

When Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice and conquered death,  the pathway to genuine relationship was restored. No longer do we need to be separated from God. 

Within the temple there were two rooms: the outer room, called the Holy Place, and the innermost sacred room, called the Most Holy Place or the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was one place where God’s presence dwelled on earth. Separating the Most Holy Place from the outer room was a curtain that hung sixty feet high and spread thirty feet wide. Common people were prohibited from entering into the Holy of Holies, and only the high priest could enter once a year on the Day of Atonement. The curtain separating these two places was a looming, physical reminder of the separation between God and His people. However, Scripture tells us the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom when Christ was crucified. 

This represented the end of the separation between God and His people. Because of Jesus Christ’s obedience to the cross, His presence was released into the world through the Holy Spirit. No longer are we separated from God! We have been granted direct access to the Father and the throne room of God—the Holy of Holies—where God and His Glory dwell. Although the true Holy of Holies is in heaven, God’s presence for communing with His people is no longer confined to a location (see Acts 1:8; 10:36–38; 1 Corinthians 2:10–16).

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#BETHEGIFT Someone Needs Today

We all need encouragement, and Scripture shows us how Jesus modeled this gift everywhere He went. This makes the gift of prophetic encouragement a necessary gift for today. First Corinthians 14 tells us it’s to encourage, comfort, and strengthen those who receive it—and it’s for everyone! It’s a gift that can change the world and atmosphere around us, one encouraging word at a time.
