Love, Love, Love...预览

Love, Love, Love...


His love is perfect

“‘For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord, who has mercy on you.” (Isaiah 54:10)

My friend, the love of God for you is perfect. This means that nothing can be added to it to make it better or sweeter. It perfectly answers the needs of your heart!

• This love is like heavy, soaking rain falling on arid ground.
• This love is like a light, refreshing breeze in the heat of summer.
• This passion that He has for you is an ardent flame in the midst of the bitterest winter.

God loves you!

Listen closely…look…the love of God is everywhere all around and in you. Each morning, He’s writing you a love letter. He captures all the first rays of sunlight to light up and warm the soil of your heart.

I invite you to receive this love, to believe that God loves you just as you are! Believe that this love is limitless. Grasp this powerful truth so that divine love breaks your chains, dries your tears, and heals your heart.

Thanks for existing!
Eric Célérier

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Love, Love, Love...

God is love. Jesus loves you in a unique, personal way. He does not see you as someone who is lost in the crowd; on the contrary, He sees you and looks at your heart. God invites you to have Jesus as an example—to love, to act and to speak like Him. In this reading plan we will discover more about it!
