52 Men Of The Bible - The Studies预览

52 Men Of The Bible - The Studies


5. Joseph

You might be thinking; Technicolor dreamcoat, sandals, what has this one got to do with me? Well, loads. Joseph was an incredible man who walked with God in some truly astounding ways. His life story is full of things we could explore but I want to just open up one in this week’s study: desire. 

Joseph was faced with a serious opportunity. His master’s wife had prepared a banquet for the handsome young man, and all he had to do was turn up, but the story took a different path.


Idea 1: Purity

Joseph knew it was wrong to have a sexual relationship with Potiphar’s wife, morally wrong, but more than that, he knew God’s heart and it would grieve his relationship with God. That shows more than just a bloke with good integrity and high morals to not take another man’s wife. 

Joseph had a living faith in God and this relationship impacted how he lived, even when the pressure was on and the fire was at its hottest! Head spinning, the possibilities, this babe in front of him ... not a bit of it … he knew it was time to run. 

Just stop for a minute and reflect on some of this. 

  • What is your relationship like a the moment with God?
  • Is it close, healthy and strong?
  • Or is it vulnerable, open to attack?
  • How is prayer for you at the moment?
  • What about the Bible and how you are reading it? 

Are you a man who is like an island at the moment or in a wolf pack with guys looking out for you and watching your back?

Idea 2: Preparation

The reason for these questions is simple. Not only do we need to get ready for the attack, we need to be spiritually fit and focused. Attacks will come along from the outside, the Bible tells us we have an enemy and what he wants to do is attack. We’ve also got a battle in our hearts and minds that we grow, feed and nurture. This too, needs to be managed, disciplined and focused in the way we need it to be. 

  • Do you currently do or have any disciplines that have helped in these battles? 
  • How have you seen this stuff creep in before? 
  • Warning signs? Timings or events that trigger things? 

Exposing this stuff and sharing our preparations for battle help. It does involve being honest and vulnerable but it will tool us up for the fight.

Idea 3: Patience

The last point to consider here with Joseph is that he was a man of incredible patience. If something is not going my way you can be assured that the last thing on my mind is ‘I need to show patience here in this difficult situation.’ No, I would be doing everything to claw my way out. 

Joseph is in prison, he has been lied about, abandoned, alone, rejected…er God what did I do wrong here? Did I sleep with my master’s wife? No. Did I drink too much, say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing, not do the right thing? WHAT!! 

Instead Joseph seems to be patient, he waits and this is just amazing. 

  • What does a dose of being patient look like in your life right now? 
  • Is there something you need to stop wrestling with and be patient? 
  • Have you any experience where patience has paid off?


Waiting and being patient isn’t the same thing as doing nothing. Maybe today do some prayer together about active waiting, patience with attitude! 

Seeking God, holding on to God and still stepping out in faith even when you can’t see the answer or solutions is active patience.

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52 Men Of The Bible - The Studies

This group/personal study material focuses on some of the men in the Bible. From Adam to Joshua, via the likes of Joseph and Moses, and lesser-known characters like Bezalel. Explore how these men’s lives can affect your walk with Jesus. Who were they? How can we learn from them? Currently featuring 10 lives, the reading plan will build to examine the lives of 52 Men of the Bible.
