She Is Strong And Courageous预览

She Is Strong And Courageous


Change Direction - Linda Fuller

Lord, let nothing separate me from you and your Word today. Help me uncover truth and live according to your commands. 

Observe In today’s busy culture, we always seem to be running. Running here and there—trying to keep up with family, friends, projects, responsibilities, and upcoming events. In the midst of our busy schedules, it’s vital we ask ourselves: Which way am I running, and which way does God want me to run? 

Each day, we find ourselves running toward people and things and away from people and things. How often do you stop to think about what or whom you are running toward, or what or whom you are running from

God has prepared opportunities and adventures for us. Yet past sin, pain, and failure often cause us to hesitate when God prompts us to make a change in direction. It’s up to us to recognize the possibilities, set aside our obstacles, and courageously walk toward God’s will. 

Linda Fuller and her husband, Millard, founded Habitat for Humanity International in 1976. Success and wealth brought their marriage to a breaking point. Rather than accepting things as they were, they reevaluated their lives and decided to make a drastic life change. They sold their possessions and dedicated the rest of their lives to Christian service “to put God’s love into action.” Today, “more than 13.2 million people have built or improved a stronger, more stable place to live with the organization’s help.” 

Courageously change the direction of your life by applying the following principles. 

1. Prayerfully evaluate the direction your life is currently heading. 

2. Prayerfully consider the direction you believe God wants you to go. 

3. Seek godly counsel regarding the process of change. 

4. Determine the necessary steps and begin taking action. 

Interpret God has a plan for our lives. It’s up to us to remove the obstacles that stand in our way and follow his direction with endurance and determination. 

Apply Do you sense God calling you to change the direction of your life? Reach out to a godly friend, loved one, or mentor today and ask him or her to help you evaluate the path you believe God is encouraging you to take. 

Father, thank you for preparing the way I should go. Please help me run toward you and in the direction of your will, even if it means I have to completely change directions. 

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She Is Strong And Courageous

It’s time to discover your God-given strength and kick your fears to the curb. Ann White’s devotional, She Is Strong and Courageous, will lead you on a 10-day transformational journey encountering courageous women of the Bible, throughout history, and in our world today. Start with a Scripture, devotional reading, call to action, and prayer that will help you know God personally, understand His Word clearly, and apply His truth powerfully.
