Summer Love预览

Summer Love


Tainted love

Corrupt governments, oppressed minorities and public figures lining their own pockets. As it says elsewhere in Ecclesiastes, there is nothing new under the sun. While these things are not surprising, they are nevertheless not to be overlooked or accepted. They are a sign of deep-rooted evil and therefore distorted love. Genuine love leads to satisfaction and contentment, whereas distorted love never does. And this generates futility, meaninglessness. It is a corruption of true love.

Question: Check in honestly with yourself: How much of a lover of money are you?

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Summer Love

“Love is love” has become a catchphrase of our times. But it does not have any meaning until we define what love is. The Christian starting point is to say that God is love. This series looks to understand the nature of God’s love. By the end of the series, I hope that the word ‘love’ has all the rich and flavoursome ingredients to it that Scripture has to offer.
