This Year I Will 预览

This Year I Will


Day 2: This Year I Will Take Responsibility 

When I was younger, I really wanted to learn how to play the piano. My mom signed me up for 12 weeks of lessons, and it was fun—at first. A few weeks in I began to dread going to practice. I wanted to quit! I wanted to be an amazing musician overnight, but learning how to play the piano required a process. 

Although practicing the piano wasn’t fun for me at a young age, I took responsibility and continued to show up to lessons, try my best, and go through the process of learning something new. Taking responsibility is a choice! 

Maybe you can relate. Have you ever stopped short from accomplishing a goal because you became impatient? We’ve all been there, but I believe this year can be different if you decide to take responsibility and make intentional moves toward your destiny. 

What has God spoken to you about this year? What God-dreams, goals, or resolutions are you working toward? This is your year to step out and take action to see that dream become a reality.

This isn’t the year to play it safe or procrastinate. It’s time to break up with someday and start living today. It’s not the year of I might, I’ll think about it, or I’ll do it one day, it’s the year of change. It’s time to embrace the role your responsibility plays in seeing the dreams, gifts, and callings God has given you come to pass. 

What does it look like to take responsibility? Refusing to blame others for your situation or circumstance, owning your season, and taking faith-filled steps forward into your future. Choose to take responsibility! Whatever God has put in your heart to do this year, I believe that this is your year. This year you will. 

Pray with me today: “Heavenly Father, thank you for all of the dreams and desires that You’ve placed in my heart this year. As I take responsibility to do what I can do, I’m relying on You to do what only You can do! Lead me and guide me in every step and decision. Holy Spirit, illuminate areas in life where I need to take more responsibility. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” 

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This Year I Will

This is the year of I will. This isn’t the year of I might, I’ll think about it, or I’ll get around to it. This is the year of taking action when it comes to the dreams, gifts, and callings God has given you. What has God put in your heart to do this year?May this be your faith declaration: this year I will!
