4 Days To Make A U-Turn预览

4 Days To Make A U-Turn


The key to your reversal is spiritual. When our circumstances go bad, they are often tied to the fact that we are not in proper spiritual alignment. That’s why, in spite of the fact that we might be praying, if we have not identified and addressed the unrighteousness, we will find it difficult to get back on the right path.

If you want to experience a reversal, make sure there is no spiritual impediment to the change that you are desperately crying out to God for to take place in your own life. James 4:6 says that He gives a greater grace. It’s an outflowing of His provision that brings victory and a stronger faith. 

He wants you and me to feel about sin the way He feels about it. When He sees our humility—our willingness to humble ourselves under His authority and yield to His rule over our lives––that lets Him know we are serious, allowing for the free flow of His divine righteousness to move in our direction.

None of us is perfect, but we can pursue godliness. When we do, then grace flows a lot freer and transformation a lot quicker. That is the single greatest key to seeing God reverse things in our lives.

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4 Days To Make A U-Turn

On the road of life, occasionally we’ll miss our exit. We’re going somewhere specific, but we become distracted and take our focus off of the destination. When that happens, God wants us to get off the road and turn around. As Tony Evans explains, losing our way requires making a U-turn and redirecting ourselves back in the direction that God had us on to begin with
