


The name Jehovah reveals that God is eternal and immutable. 

The name “I AM” also positions God outside of the boundaries of time. Jehovah never steps out of the present tense, and He always exists in the eternal now. Jehovah commanded Moses to keep this as God’s covenant name in perpetuity, time without end: 

“This is My name forever, and this is my memorial-name to all generations” (Exodus 3:15).

Since Jehovah is not subject to the conditions of time, He is also revealed as immutable or never changing. The letter of James reminds us that

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow” (James 1:17). 

Jehovah does not shift and change with the tides of time. He is, for us, the same God who revealed Himself to Moses as “the Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in loving kindness and truth; who keeps loving kindness for thousands; who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He by no means will leave the guilty unpunished” (Exodus 34:6-7). 

One of the devil’s key tactics is to lull us into forgetting God as Jehovah or “I AM”, the God who enters into relationship, and to focus, instead, on God as a distant, impersonal force of creation. When the serpent tempted Eve in the garden, he shifted the name of God from Jehovah, which had been used repeatedly in Genesis 2, to the more general “God” when he told her: “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden?’” (Genesis 3:1). 

We must remember that His name is Jehovah, personal, independent, and eternal; He is I AM.

If you would like to learn more on the power of the name Jehovah, click here  to download a complimentary ebook titled "Five Names of God."

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The name Jehovah, the Self Revealing One, teaches that God is not just a God of the future or of ancient history, He is a current, living God. Tony Evans teaches on the name of Jehovah and the different character qualities associated with it.
