Praying At The Crossroads预览

Praying At The Crossroads


The Prayer of Solomon

Often the prayers we find in the Bible are very different from our own. Prayers in the Bible proclaim to God who He is and praise Him for His nature and character. Scripture reminds us to thank God for the grace and blessings He has shown us. The grace we receive from God should lead to prayers in which we humbly and brokenly agree with Him about our sin and seek His forgiveness.

Solomon prayed for the people’s forgiveness. He didn’t say if they sinned but when they sinned. All people, even redeemed ones, are prone to sin. Our sin isn’t hidden from God, Who is the ultimate judge. Whether the sin was a part of their personal relationships or a national sin, Solomon asked God to hear and forgive. Taking our sins to God and confessing them thus removes the guilt and shame we feel and allows us to receive the forgiveness that He freely gives to all who ask. 

Solomon prayed that the temple would reach and teach the nations about the true God, not separate them from Him. The temple was the sign that the God of Israel dwelled among His people and invited the nations to know Him. He prayed that they would come there to see and experience Him. He asked that they would be allowed to pray to God and that He would listen to their prayers. The law and the temple were to illustrate a walk with Yahweh. The temple was to be an invitation for people to come and experience intimacy with the one true God. 

Hopefully, you’re seeing through this study that God is willing to hear our prayers in a variety of circumstances. No concern surprises or frustrates God. He longs to hear from us and give us the opportunity to speak and commune with Him. The temple embodies that truth. 

When we seek to follow God’s will, we can pray for victory. We can also pray for security and provision. Solomon prayed for the continual fulfillment of God’s promise to His people. The nation of Israel was under His care and authority.

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Praying At The Crossroads

Prayer is essential to our spiritual growth, but few of us pray as often or as fervently as we’d like. We tend to turn to God only in moments of desperation and crisis. Yet God wants us to turn to Him in every moment. The Bible is filled with the prayers of God’s people, often uttered at crossroads of decision. Believers have much to gain by studying these ancient prayers.
