[Acts: Inspiration For Transformation Series] God Of Glory预览

[Acts: Inspiration For Transformation Series] God Of Glory


Thus We Begin

David Vigil

More than two millennia ago, Jesus Christ the Messiah stepped into history. For three and a half years, a cross-section of society followed, witnessed, and listened to the Word become flesh. Miracles, signs and wonders, and compassion were the hallmarks of Jesus’s ministry.

Jesus exhibited a new and unconditional love, which culminated in the ransoming of our sinful debt by way of his death, burial, and resurrection. His blood brought about a new and everlasting covenant. For 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus walked among his own and prepared the first generation of witnesses for something that had never been seen before.

Luke, the author of Acts, was as expectant as the rest of the witnesses. They were all anticipating the Messiah’s restoration of the kingdom to Israel, but God had much more in mind. Jesus envisioned generations. He saw you. He planned for the power of the Holy Spirit to indwell every believer, starting with the first disciples. He would pour out his Spirit on all who called upon his name, invariably empowering them to witness wherever they found themselves.

The disciples were instructed to wait until the moment when the Holy Spirit would come and abide within them. When the Holy Spirit came, he empowered them to be witnesses of Christ, to carry out the Great Commission that we find in Matthew 28: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” We, too, have been empowered to do likewise.


Am I an effective witness? As a custodian of this good news, what are my responsibilities? What is my role in the ranks of the redeemed? What can I do today to tell a lost and dying world that my Redeemer lives?

Lord, as I begin this 7-day journey, I pray that you would grant me wisdom and revelation. I ask that you show me my place in the church, which is the body of Christ. I ask that your plans for my life be etched upon my heart. May my thoughts and deeds glorify only you. Amen.

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[Acts: Inspiration For Transformation Series] God Of Glory

The book of Acts contains a living and active message that invites each person into a path of faith necessary to perform, in our time, miracles like those seen in the early church age. We hope that this devotional strengthens your faith and ministry and compels you to put yourself in the hands of God to be used in the expansion of His kingdom.
