Less Of More By Chris Nye预览

Less Of More By Chris Nye


Chris Nye: Less of More Devotional Day 2

“From Growth to Pace: At the Speed of a Seed”

Scripture reading: Mark 4:1-20, 26-34

Our culture is inundated with the “more is better” mentality. Meal portions in many other countries could not even pass as an appetizer at most restaurants in the United States and some other developed nations. It is not rare for us to have a “spare room” or an extra car—do we understand how rare this is across the world? If we can buy two for one, we’ll do it, because why wouldn’t we? It seems that when Costco is our normal grocery store, everything changes.

This is the culture in which our churches exist as well. This is the water we are swimming in.

And this is why it’s good to remember that nearly all of Jesus’ parables about the kingdom of God are agricultural. His stories start with farmers, seeds, trees, soils, hired hands, plows, and land. Agriculture is slo-o-o-w. 

Jesus tells us his kingdom is like a seed planted in the ground, “yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes larger than all the garden plants and puts out large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade” (Mark 4:32). Do you know how long it takes to grow a tree? I’ll give you a hint: it’s longer than a Sunday service or a small-group session. Planting requires patience, and apparently so does the kingdom of God. 

If God’s pace is like this, how does that change our approach to ministry and life with him?

Many Christians I meet with aspire to “do great things for God,” and many of us make huge grabs for greatness. When we do this, we abandon the pace Jesus outlines for us. The world does not need many more “organizations”; the world needs patient people who commit themselves daily to the work God has right in front of them. We do not need any more amazing personalities; we need faithful believers who wake up each day and commit themselves to the small work of seed planting. This will often mean our big plans will be set aside in order to pray, and our careers will move more slowly because we have to be present with our neighbors.

There is nothing quick about a seed. Are you prepared to fall in with God’s pace for the sake of the abundance only he can bring about?

What are your areas of ministry? What would it mean in these areas for you to emphasize commitment over activity and faithfulness over immediate outcomes?

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Less Of More By Chris Nye

Pastor, professor, and writer Chris Nye says that people in the West worship growth: we believe that very few things get worse as they get bigger. The result is we become isolated and self-celebrating, chasing power and money. The Bible, however, calls us to live in community, where there are no celebrities. We don’t grab power; we lay it down.
