Jesus Revealed Part 16 - It's In The Name预览

Jesus Revealed Part 16 - It's In The Name


Jesus' High Priestly Prayer Part 3  

Thoughts on the Passage

Let the Word of God wash through us to make us clean and holy.

Jesus gave them the words of the Father and taught them to love the truth that comes from God. That is a powerful lesson that we must listen to and take to heart. 

The Word of God has the power to cleanse us and make us holy. Jesus said that the Word of God sanctified the disciples. That means that the Word of God cleaned them up, it made them holy, and it set them apart from the world around them. That is what sanctify means – clean up, make holy, and set apart. 

This comes when we recognize and follow truth. Jesus came and released the truths of God to them – they received that truth and walked in that truth. It changed them. Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the whole bible and it is written as a testimony of the Word of God and its power. Psalm 119:9-11 gives exactly the same promise that Jesus describes in John 17 – God’s Word is able to cleanse us, protect us, and enable us to walk a path of purity.

Release the Word of God in our lives.


What is your Bible reading plan? The dirt of life sticks to us so easily. Wash daily.

What is your Bible memorization plan? Set a goal, and get started. It will help you walk a path of purity and truth.

Time to Pray

Father, I love Your Word. It speaks when so much around me does not make sense. It brings clarity when so much around me brings confusion. It focuses my day when the details of life make so little sense. Still, I do not take enough time in it. I do not memorize it with the diligence that I need. Help me get back to a simple memorization schedule just as You have helped me with my reading and studying schedule. It takes me down the path of life and sets me apart for the work You have for me. That is what I want. Strengthen me I pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Jesus Revealed Part 16 - It's In The Name

People who have the backing of someone high in authority have a certain air in the way they walk and carry themselves. In Plan 16 we see the power there is in being connected to Jesus and Jesus being one with the Father. Being united with Jesus is being united with the Father – if only we truly harnessed that truth and allowed it to release power in our lives.
