How to be a Christian at Your Work – Part 1 of 2预览

How to be a Christian at Your Work – Part 1 of 2


NICER is the first 5-letter guide to being a Christian at work:

N:  No compromises
 I:   Integrity
C:   Compassionate in relationships
E:   Excellent work 
R:   Responsible to others

Of course, being a Christian at work isn’t as simple as just memorizing a five-letter word.  

But it can be a beginning to a new start. And here’s how…


To help you put this study plan into action, find a sticky note or small piece of paper and write the words “Be NICER” at the top with the insight for each of the five letters underneath.
Then post this note at your work where you will see it every day.
For the next few weeks, take a minute at the start of each day and throughout the day to reflect on the letter for that day. 
Start with the letter “N” on Monday, and work your way down to the letter “R” by Friday.

As you continue to reflect on the word NICER each day, you’ll not only have each quality memorized but these behaviors will also become part of your daily life at work. 

People will notice!

And, if it goes well, there will be challenges and maybe even “persecutions” as you live out your faith at work – just as Jesus said in See Luke 7:11-13.

Regardless of any difficulty you face or how it may feel, you are called to be like Jesus—not only on Sundays with fellow Christians, but also – even especially! – at work where you may be the only Christian in your group.

Jesus spent most of his time with the lost when He was on earth, and so it should be no surprise that He has placed you in exactly the same spot.

So, go ahead and be NICER… then watch how God will work even through you!


Lord, I thank you for my work and the people that I work with.  Help me to live out each of the letters in the word NICER so that my co-workers may see You at work in me.  May you be glorified in all that I do.  Amen.

Take the NEXT STEP…

These readings were abstracted from the book “How to be a Christian at Work” – click here to get your copy  and dig deeper into all aspects of living out your faith each day! 

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How to be a Christian at Your Work – Part 1 of 2

Living out your faith at work is challenging and difficult, especially in the secular workplace. We are often encouraged to leave our faith and beliefs at home. But that isn’t at all what we are called to do as Christ-followers, is it? In this study, we explore the teachings of the Bible and discover 5 insights to help you live your faith and honor God while still pleasing your boss.
