The Sabbath: A 5-Day Devotional预览

The Sabbath: A 5-Day Devotional


While Jesus never actually violated the fourth commandment in its original intention, his Jewish adversaries were assuming the validity of many such additional rules when they accused him and his disciples of “doing what is not lawful to do on the Sabbath.” When he healed on the Sabbath day or when his disciples plucked heads of grain on the Sabbath and ate them they were accused of violating the Sabbath, but Jesus and his disciples were in fact obeying the true sense of this commandment. In the post-Reformation period, those Reformed Protestants who thought the Sabbath commandment was still binding nevertheless taught that “works of necessity and mercy” were surely permitted by God on this day.

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The Sabbath: A 5-Day Devotional

In this five-day devotional adapted from Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning by Wayne Grudem, explore what the Bible has to say about keeping the law and trusting in the work of Christ.
