30 Days Of Emotional Health预览

30 Days Of Emotional Health


365 times ten equals 3,650 days. That’s how many mornings my husband and I’ve had as a married couple, and yet I still ask, “Does he really love me?” Most days start the same. Coffee, breakfast, a hug and “love you” from my husband. Logic tells me I already know he loves me, but my heart still needs to hear those words every morning.

When my husband’s rushed and forgets, or when we’ve disagreed and the silence forms a wall, I’m tempted to doubt his love. I need my husband to squash that lie and tell me straight up, “Andrea, I will never stop loving you. Ever.”

I’m forgetful in my relationship with God too. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve listened to sermons shouting God’s love and faithfulness—I need those truths from the source. Everyday. I’m desperate for God to dictate my identity with each sunrise as I read my Bible: “You are my chosen, beloved, daughter who I think is worthy of My love. Even when you mess up, Jesus is enough to pick you back up again.”

I used to think Bible reading was for perfect Christians who wanted to be reminded of their holiness. But the more time I spend in Scripture, the more I realize it’s for imperfect people like me. God’s words to us remind us it’s ok that we don’t have it all figured out. They point to the fact that Jesus was perfect so we don’t have to strive for perfection. We only need faith in the perfect One.

As we open our Bibles each morning, we can begin our day like today’s verse, assured that the God of the universe loves us unfailingly.

~Andrea Chatelain

Devotional writer and blogger

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30 Days Of Emotional Health

God doesn't want us feeling perpetually stressed or defeated, nor does He want us enslaved to hurts from our past. This 30-day reading plan will help you draw closer to Him each day and anchor yourself in the life-giving truths He preserved for us in Scripture. Edited by Karen Greer and LaShawn Montoya.
