Collective: Finding Life Together预览

Collective: Finding Life Together


When do you feel like an adult or get your life together?

You’ve made it to the last day of this Bible Plan, but you probably still have way more questions than answers. Here’s what you need to know: That’s okay. 

You never really start feeling like you’re an adult, and you never really feel like you have all the answers. And that’s exactly how God designed it. If we had all the answers, we wouldn’t need God. 

Psalm 119:105 tells us that God’s Word is a lamp for our feet and a light to our path. It’s a beautiful image. Basically, it tells us that God gives us just enough information to do the next right thing. But we don’t see the full picture. And that’s the point. Because when we don’t know what’s next, it’s an opportunity to trust God. 

We can come to God with what we think our lives might look like, but we hold our plans with open hands knowing that God’s purposes are far greater than we can ever ask, think, or imagine. 

So don’t stress out so much about getting your life together. The true mark of character isn’t something grand you do for your career. It’s how well you love your neighbor. Use the gifts God has put inside of you to change the world in front of you. 

Don’t be overwhelmed by how much you don’t know. 1 Corinthians 8:1 reminds us that knowledge makes us feel important, but love strengthens the Church. Some of Jesus’ last words spoken were in prayer to God that we would live in unity. That tells us that our opinions pale in comparison to the importance of our love for one another. 

Being an adult isn’t about arriving somewhere. It’s about learning to rely on God and the others around you. Stay in God’s Word. Do the next right thing He calls you to do. And love the person in front of you. When you do that? It’ll strengthen you, and it’ll strengthen the Church. 

Consider: What are some ways you can learn to rely on God and others around you more? 

Pray: God, thank You for the plans You have for me. Help me hold my plans with open hands, trusting that Your purpose is more than I can ask, think, or imagine. Surround me with the right people. Help me do what You call me to do. And help me love You and others more every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Find more adulting tips at 

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Collective: Finding Life Together

Once you turn 18, it feels like you have to figure out your life. But what if you don’t? What if where you thought you’d be isn’t where you are now? You’re not alone. Let’s figure out life’s biggest questions together in in this 7-day Bible Plan by Collective, a study for young adults from Life.Church.
