Trainsformers—An Urban Christian Journey预览

Trainsformers—An Urban Christian Journey


Where is Everything Going?

Randy M.

Life in NYC is fast. The streets are flooded with thousands, even millions, of people—all on their way somewhere. Crowds pile onto buses and into trains. Highways are swarmed with cars swerving in and out of lanes trying to escape the traffic. We cross paths with people every day, often without a greeting or even a glance. It’s as if we’re racing the sun to achieve all that we can before it sets, and yet the sun always wins! 

So where are you heading today? No, I don’t mean as in your job, the bodega, or a Yankees game. Where are you really heading? We are mostly sure about our geographic destination, but what if I asked you about your spiritual destination? Where are you in your journey? 

The Bible talks about two roads. One is wide and full of people (sound familiar?). The other is narrow and hard to follow, and few find it. The wide road leads to destruction, and the narrow road leads to life

Where are you really heading? The narrow road can sometimes be difficult, and even lonely, but both the journey and the destination will prove far more amazing than you could ever imagine. 

God, in his infinite grace, wanted to make sure we arrived at our destination following the right road. Therefore, he gave us his GPS (God’s Perfect Scripture); his Word is a lamp that gives light wherever we walk. 

Have you ever wondered where your friends, colleagues, and family are really heading? Who knows, maybe today is a good day for you to share the good news about the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Perhaps God has prepared this day to bring salvation to somebody sitting next to you in the subway, on the bus or train. 

Before you start your day, before you begin today’s journey, pray and ask God to lead you in the way he has for you on this very day. 


Dear Father, I ask you to lead me today. Show me which way to go. Help me to listen and turn at your word. Thank you for guiding me. Show me if there is somebody in need; help me to share the gospel with them. Teach me your ways, Lord. Amen.

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Trainsformers—An Urban Christian Journey

Do you live in a big city? Does your heart break when you see so much need around you? If we truly want to transform our cities, we must start by allowing God to change us first. God’s Word is living and active; it judges thoughts and attitudes. Allow God’s Word to lead you into a transforming journey through the Scriptures.
