Taking Thoughts Captive预览

Taking Thoughts Captive


Ask for New Evidence

How can we challenge our negative thoughts when our minds lead us to doubt? What do we do with doubt?

We find our answer for these questions in Mark 9:14-29. In this passage, a desperate father brings his possessed son to Jesus. The father already brought his son to the disciples, but the disciples could not cast out the spirit.

So the father begins . . . “If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us,” he says to Jesus.

After seeing how the disciples could not cast out the spirit, the father was plagued with doubt. 

Before we progress any further, we need to recognize: this is normal. The father had all the evidence telling him his son was not going to be healed. The evidence of the disciples’ failing validated his doubt.

We might have evidence that is validating our doubt and sustaining our negative thoughts. But what happens next gives us a clue on how to challenge these negative thoughts . . . 

After Jesus rebukes the father’s statement, the father says something interesting in Mark 9:24 NIV. “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

How can the father both believe and not believe? 

It is natural for doubt to coexist alongside faith. It is doubt that keeps us hungry for growth in our faith, and it is faith that keeps doubt from taking over.

The father, however, asks for help with his doubt. He is asking for new evidence. 

This is not asking Jesus to prove himself. This is asking for his mind to be renewed. Help me overcome my unbelief.

When we want to believe God-glorifying thoughts, lets not vilify our doubts. Instead, lets ask God to give us evidence to believe what He wants us to believe. 

Matthew 7:7 says ask and you will receive. Today, ask that God will give you the evidence your mind needs to keep doubt at bay. With this new evidence, your mind will be renewed.

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Taking Thoughts Captive

We are told to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. But how do we actually renew our mind? How do we change our negative thinking and direct our mind to God-glorifying thoughts? In this three-day Bible Plan, we explore how you can change negative beliefs.
