Smith Wigglesworth Devotional 预览

Smith Wigglesworth Devotional


(All Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version.)

Born of God

“As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become
children of God…born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
nor of the will of man, but of God.”
—John 1:12–13

I see before me faces I know, and I can tell that these people are born of God. Sometimes I see that this power of God within us is greater when we are weak than when we are strong, just as this power in Abraham grew stronger as his body grew weaker.

Looking at him, Sarah would shake her head and say, “I never saw anybody so thin and weak and helpless in my life. No, Abraham, I have been looking at you, and you seem to be going right down.” But Abraham refused to look at his own body or Sarah’s; he believed that the promise would happen.

Suppose you come for healing. You know as well as possible that, according to the natural life, there is no virtue in your body to give you that health. You also know that the ailment from which you suffer has drained your life and energy so that there is no help at all in you, but God says that you will be healed if you believe. It makes no difference how your body is. It was exactly the helplessness of Sarah and Abraham that brought the glorious fact that a son was born, and I want you to see what sort of a son he was.

He was the son of Abraham. His seed is the seed of the whole believing church—innumerable as the sands on the seashore. God wants us to know that there is no limitation with Him, and He wants to bring us to a place where there will be no limitation in us. This state is brought about by the working of the Omnipotent in the human body, working in us continually—the One who is greater than any science or any power in the world—and bringing us into the place to comprehend God and man.

Some of you would like a touch in your bodies; some would like a touch in your spirit; some would like to be baptized in the Holy Spirit; some want to be filled with all God’s power. It is there for you.

Now come into a position of faith. I want you to see that you can be healed if you will hear the Word. Romans 5:2 says that it is by faith that we have access into grace. Grace is omnipotence; it is activity, benevolence, and mercy. It is truth, perfection, and God’s inheritance in the soul that can believe. Grace is God. You open the door by faith, and God comes in with all you need and want. It cannot be otherwise, for it is “of faith that it might be according to grace” (Romans 4:16). It cannot be by grace unless you say it will be so.

This is believing, and most people want healing by feeling. It cannot be. Some even want salvation on the same lines, and they say, “Oh, if only I could feel I was saved!” It will never come that way. So God brings you to hear the Scriptures, which can make you “wise unto salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15), which can open your understanding and make you so that if you will hear the truth, you will go out with what you want. Then you have power to shut the door and power to open the door to healing.

Thought for today: Three things work together. The first is faith. Faith can always bring the second thing—fact—and fact can always bring the third thing—joy.

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Smith Wigglesworth Devotional

Your faith will expand as you read these challenging insights into faith-filled living by noted evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, the “Apostle of Faith.” You will connect with God’s glorious power, cast out doubt, and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed as you experience the joy of seeing powerful results when ministering to others. “God is more eager to answer than we are to ask,” says Wigglesworth.
