The Gift Of You: How Living Generously Reflects The Heart Of God预览

The Gift Of You: How Living Generously Reflects The Heart Of God


Learning to Trust

Len was a hard worker and a diligent saver. He stayed with the same company for years and was known in the office for working longer hours than almost anyone else. He was a model employee.

Len also loved God, and he knew that God cared for their family. But deep down Len struggled to trust God for their financial needs. This made it hard for Len to step out in faith when God opened new doors of opportunity.

Early in their marriage, God gave Len and his wife a passion for reaching people with the gospel. They were especially drawn to overseas missions, helping people to hear the Good News about Jesus for the very first time.

Len and his wife regularly gave money to missions, but after a few years they began to wonder if God wanted them to become missionaries themselves. To learn more, they took a trip overseas to see the work firsthand. What they saw was exciting and looked like a good fit for their skills. But Len’s fear of change and of leaving the security he felt in his current job ultimately held them back.

Len’s wife was disappointed, but God was gracious to Len and continued to use his heart for evangelism right where he was.

Over the years, Len’s position in the company continued to grow, and he also became very good at investing. During this time, God slowly grew Len’s trust in Him. This allowed Len and his wife to give a greater percentage of their income to missions. They were also able to pay for their son's college education at a Christian university, and as a result, that son is now serving in missions debt free.

Len also shared his faith with many people at the company over the coming years, and some are now walking with Christ because of his influence.

Like Len, you may struggle with trusting God to provide for your needs. But as you get to know His character better, you’ll discover He not only wants to provide well for you but also to give generously to others through you.

And if you’re thinking of a role in missions, let God set you free to trust Him—He’s the most faithful provider!

Things to Ponder:

  • Can you think of a time when you missed an exciting opportunity because you didn’t trust God?
  • How has God been gracious to you even when you didn’t trust Him?
  • What is one way God is asking you to trust Him more today?
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The Gift Of You: How Living Generously Reflects The Heart Of God

If you’re like most people, when the subject of generosity comes up, your mind goes straight to your time, your talents and your treasure. But God has a very different view of generosity — one that looks at the heart. In this seven-day devotional, see what the Bible has to say about this often misunderstood subject and how you can find deeper joy in knowing God through personal sacrifice.
