Better Together预览

Better Together



More than once in my life I have wondered about the “middle-man.” I can recall as a young child having so many questions about how giving worked, and why the church had to be involved, if it was all about giving to God. I mean how does God get the offering? How exactly does this money get to God? Is God in the back room counting the coins? Did they mail it to him by some heavenly postal service? Was there a deficit in heaven that my coins were going to fix? How could my small offering possibly make a difference to a God who created the universe and measures out the oceans with the palm of his hand? 

Often, when it comes to generosity and giving to God we can wonder, and even be a little skeptical about the “middle-man.” Maybe because of past experiences, hurt, or mistrust we have decided that we would rather not deal with the “middle-man.” God’s plan and vehicle for the kingdom is the local church. God’s plan is for there to be food in His house so that He can utilize it through the “middle-man” to meet the needs of mankind. 

God’s plan has always been for men and women, whose hearts are stirred toward Him to respond with generosity toward His church. A willing, collective people who bring what they have and offer it willingly, knowing that it goes to God through his body on the earth. The church is a manifestation of the person of Jesus on the earth and when we give generously toward the church, it isn’t a delay or slowing of the process. It is actually a direct gift to God, and He takes it, He delights in it, and He uses it to build the church!

God isn’t in a back room collecting our offerings, He isn’t watching for the tithe check to come in the mail, or hoping that we will collect enough to repave the streets of heaven with gold. God takes the offerings we bring to him, through the function of the local church, and collectively uses them to build the kingdom of God on earth. 

Are there some places where God would have you trust the “middle-man” again, and begin to faithfully invest your tithes and offerings into your local church?

God has placed you in the body to resource the house of God, not just with your finances, but with your life. 

How can you bring what you have to your local church to help build the kingdom?

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Better Together

We invite you to join our Hillsong East Coast family as we become “Better Together.” Journey with us over the next seven days as we unlock faith for generosity and collective kingdom impact. “Heart for the House” is an annual, sacrificial offering that is above the normal tithes and offerings at Hillsong Church. Every year, this marks a faith-filled step forward in the life of our church for the miraculous.
