Brimstone: The Art And Act Of Holy Nonjudgment预览
Wow, that’s a lot of brimstone! It’s clear that there will be judgment in the end. No matter how you view it or how you interpret it, we will face God, and our lives will be reviewed for what they were. And although these scriptures give the initial appearance that we get exactly what we deserve, we must remember that they all fall under a much larger umbrella of grace. Grace is a hard concept to truly get, but it simply means, it must mean, that we really don’t get what we deserve but instead get something better.
According to Ephesians 2:8-9, we are saved by simple grace, without any works—and that means our judgment day is not like the ol’ Willy Wonka lever that plummets a person downward through the hatch door. There is no arbitrary breakpoint at which God says, “Sorry Hugh, you just fell one percentage point under the class curve, so you’re in the lake.” Grace through faith alone is our entrance. Will our lives still be measured? Yep. Will there be some conversation about shortcomings? Probably. Might there be some honors given out, special assignments, withholdings of jewels and crowns based on a job done well or not done well? Maybe, but don’t let these concerns spoil the joy of knowing your life will be reviewed and weighed with the perfect judgment of Jesus.
Most of us can’t make it an hour without some judgment against another person or group.Brimstone invites us into the disruptive beauty found through a ministry of non-judgment.