How to Overcome Worry预览

How to Overcome Worry


The Storm 

Lately the country of Indonesia has been affected by extreme weather and storms which has impacted my country's people.   

The gospels also tell of a storm. The disciples went with Jesus in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee when a storm suddenly blew in. Jesus was sleeping in the bottom of boat. The disciples were terrified because of the storm and woke Jesus up. Jesus got up and rebuked the storm, and the sea returned to calm.

The portion of scripture, "the storm subsided and all was calm” (NIV) is often considered the climax of this story. This section provides the answer and guarantees that Jesus can ease the storms that occur in our lives. This practical conclusion is not wrong as Jesus is indeed able to calm the storm!

However, there are interesting things that also happened during the storm. The Bible records that Jesus fell asleep (Luke 8:23). Often, we face problems and feel that He is sleeping, that He does nothing to calm the storms of our lives. This passage is also a consolation for us. His presence is enough for us. Whether He calms the storm, or not, we can remain confident that no storm will drown us because He is with us. Amazing!   

We cannot avoid the storms of life, but we can make sure that Jesus is with us. 


1. How do you react when facing the storms of life?

2. What are your thoughts when you are in a storm?

Put it into practice: Whatever Lord Jesus does, whether He calms the storm or falls asleep, He is still the Lord who is in charge of your life. Just believe in Him. 

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How to Overcome Worry

Worry is the enemy of faith. Worry can close our eyes of faith, allowing depression and defeat to come into believers’ lives. God provides His word so that every believer can overcome every worry and replace it with a story of victory. Through this "Walking with Jesus" devotional, may all of us have greater faith and are enabled to drive out every worry with the power of His word.
