On the Road Home: How to Journey Safely预览
Day 6 – From fleeing to returning: Jacob finds his true home (Genesis 32:22-32)
At first sight, Jacob’s life could be described as the story of a rebellious, untrusting man, disobedient to God, full of deceit, quarrels, feuds, revenge and persecution by others. His determination to do things his way brought him into untenable situations. Two times he decided to flee, first from his parents’ house and later from the household of his father-in- law. All of this was just a consequence of a dysfunctional family pattern that was already present in previous generations.
A closer look reveals that behind a foolish Jacob, there is a God. Not a distant God who does not know what Jacob is going through. Not someone who hinders him or makes life difficult for him. He is, above all, the God that assures blessings and who fulfils his promises (Gn. 28:13).
Like his relatives, Jacob makes his plans according to his own wisdom. His attitude is antagonistic, far from reflecting the character of God. However, God redirects these attitudes and circumstances to achieve His purposes.
Even when Jacob is still in his mother’s womb, he is already fighting. Later he is fighting with God to show his faithfulness to Him and in order to obtain His blessing. Before that, Jacob had stolen the rights of his older brother, but later he attempts to appease him with countless presents. Earlier in his life Jacob had submitted to God in a limited way, but now his surrender is complete as he acknowledges God’s immense goodness in his life. Jacob had not found his place in his parents’ house or in the family of his in-laws. Now he returns to his own family in a humble way, because he has experienced forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration. During his life journey he has discovered that his true home is in the heart of his heavenly Father.
Reading Jacob’s story at first sight can leave us with a bitter taste. A closer look reveals that even when the dysfunctional failures take their toll, they do not determine our real identity nor our future. When we face new circumstances, there is always hope, when we encounter God in that situation, and when we find our true home in him.
Edith Vilamajó
We are grateful, Lord, because You gave stability to our life when we were fleeing situations that went out of control.
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for redirecting our steps and filling our hearts with the assurance of our true home, Your home.
Thank You, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for Your immense goodness in giving us a hopeful future.
We repent before You for all those moments in which we fight against You, when our ’self’ goes ways that are contrary to Your plans.
We acknowledge our tendency of wanting to achieve our proper goals by using resources that do not come from You.
Grant us that our pilgrimage on earth may be an example for others, as we long for the house of the Father.
Oh God, we ask You that our sorrows do not take more space in our heart than the hope You gave us.
Lord, help us to rest in Your purposes and Your plans.
Here on earth we will have experiences of feeling at home, a sense of belonging. We are called to strive for this as much as possible, whether in our private homes or in a church community. Both are images of the heavenly HOME. That heavenly HOME will ultimately and fully fulfill all our longing.