
In our most honest moments, the reality of our own brokenness and sin strikes us all. So too David, the great but fallen king, must face the truth when Nathan holds up the mirror to him (in 2 Sam 12). David knows that no greatness, no willpower, no superficial “I’ve got my act all together” (as kings are prone to pretend) will erase the need to come before God on his knees in humility. 

There is only one way of dealing with all that is not right in us. The solution is not to ignore it. Nor is the solution to say that we are too unworthy for God to forgive. Our hope is in the one who receives the unworthy. Our hope is in God, the only one who can blot out our transgressions and make us a new creation. 

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Listen to the way the biblical authors start these 14 books, psalms and letters. What matters to them most? Where do they want to begin with their readers and hearers? From Genesis to Revelation, these verses were penned over many centuries. Allow these short passages to lead you to meditate on God’s world and God’s caring relationship with the creation.
