Acts - Chapter Four预览

Acts - Chapter Four


Praying for Power and Boldness  

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. Acts 4:31

After having spent a night in jail and after being intimidated and questioned by authorities for healing a lame man, Peter and John could have responded in different ways. They could have mobilized the crowds and specifically the 5000 who were now Christ’s followers, to stage a silent protest in the temple, or could have incited them to turn violent. Remember, both Peter and John had a violent streak - Peter had cut off Malchus’ ear (John 18:10) and John wanted to call fire from heaven (Luke 9:24). They could have begun a series of meetings to strategize ways to overthrow the corrupt leadership. Instead the apostles went to the believers and reported all that they had experienced.

The believers’ unified response is amazing, ‘they raised their voices together in prayer’ Acts 4:24. Instead of a mob spirit, we see God’s Spirit at work. It does not appear to be one person’s prayer with  a polite echo of amen . Instead of a joint war cry, a helpless wail or the deathly silence of doom, there seems to be the sound of many voices praying aloud in a unified fashion. Acts 4: 24- 30 

There was trust in God the creator

you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them’

No power on earth could thwart His purpose

Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain…

Pain and injustice were part of His divine plan 

They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen…

Instead of protection they prayed for more courage and power 

‘enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders’  

Not only did God shake the place in a supernatural way but now 5000+ people were boldly proclaiming the word of God, accompanied with signs and wonders. When we face opposition and difficulty, may we not rise and shake our fists with rage or clasp our hands in fear, but instead let us, on bended knee call out to God, with uplifted arms in confidence. Let us be assured that He will demonstrate His power through us. 

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Acts - Chapter Four

The Jewish authorities could not deny Christ’s power at work, when they threatened Peter and John to stay quiet. On their release, Peter and John prayed with the church for power and boldness. The place where they were praying was shaken and all of them, not just the apostles, experienced and demonstrated God’s power. God’s grace was at work even as they all loved and shared with one another.
