Holy Week Devotional Plan from New Life Church预览

Holy Week Devotional Plan from New Life Church


DAY THREE | Servant and King

As His trial and crucifixion drew closer, Jesus spends one last evening with His disciples. He kneels down to wash their feet and sits with them at one last meal, giving them final encouragement and teaching. (John 13-15 has the most detailed account of what Jesus says to His disciples that night.) We can learn so much from these last hours of Jesus’ life, yet we can easily skim past and dismiss it as common knowledge.
When Jesus washes His disciples’ feet, He tells them, “No servant can be greater than their master.” (verse 16) How often do we forget that? It can be so easy to think that, as Christ-followers, we’ve “outgrown” certain tasks or acts of service. Yet if Jesus Himself can spend His last moments washing His disciples’ feet, maybe we aren’t as limited in our time to serve others—opening a door, taking out trash, or stopping to really ask how someone is doing.
Our Creative team has a little saying they remind each other with: the glory is in the details. The simple things matter and the minor things can have major impact. Jesus probably doesn’t feel like eating the night of the Last Supper, but He does anyway. He must have felt the inner turmoil of knowing two of His closest friends would betray or deny Him, but He still brings them to the table. This simple meal of bread and wine would not only help the disciples understand why Christ would be crucified, but also become a legacy of remembrance for all believers. The elements consumed during communion are symbols of Jesus’ willingness to lay everything on the line so we could know the magnitude of God’s love.

Application: What are some simple things you can do today to serve others? Choose two things and do them before the day is over. 

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Holy Week Devotional Plan from New Life Church

As Savior, Jesus walked among our mess and pain. He is also King of all—holy, mighty, and just. For the next seven days, we will be reading through portions of the Gospels, reflecting on what we can learn about following Jesus as we study and honor His death and resurrection.
