Take Authority Over Autism - Angeletta Giles预览

Take Authority Over Autism - Angeletta Giles


The Best Road Trip Ever

"I don’t know the scientific definition of autism because my mom told me that I belong to Jesus, and not to a disorder… I don’t even know what a disorder is." - Londyn, age 10

You and I are on a journey together. On road trips, once you've talked about everything you can think of,  you may tell each other secrets that you haven't said out loud. The secrets that cripple your thoughts and burst out with the hope for someone to relate and offer answers. The journey of autism has been very isolating. There were times when my guard was always up. I felt like I had to fight.

I had to find people who could relate. I was grateful for family and friends who could share experiences, but their experiences were not their own personal experiences as a parent. “I am a mom, only a mom could relate. My experience was going to be different, even from a dad’s experience."

After the diagnosis, it is so important that you do not remain hidden. Come out and find your people. In overcoming anything, you cannot do it alone. God did not design us that way. Even Jesus had His peeps with Him throughout His journey and only took time away to fast and pray and spend time with His Father. Follow Jesus’ example and ask Him to send your peeps. Guess what?  He is a great road trip buddy!

Are you ready for the best road trip ever?

Homework: Write a “thank you” note to your road trip buddies. If you don’t have any, yet, write out a prayer asking God to send the right buddies to you. Thank Him now because they are coming!

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Take Authority Over Autism - Angeletta Giles

You will be empowered to stand in the name of Jesus against anything that hinders your child’s destiny. You will also receive practical insight on how to advocate for your child, and build a community of people who are committed to their success.
