Praying God's Truth Over My Fears预览

Praying God's Truth Over My Fears


Money Struggles

Placing our hope in money and possessions is so easy for us to do. Trusting in God’s provision over our lives is not. We can see and feel money and somehow feel comforted but the peace it provides is temporary. Placing our hope in something that can be gone tomorrow will set us up disappointment. So, let’s choose to trust God for His provision and hope is eternal. 

Today’s Prayer
The earth is Yours, Lord, and everything in it. For all the animals of the forest are Yours, and You own the cattle on a thousand hills. You know every bird on the mountains, and all the animals of the field are Yours. So, I won’t worry about anything because You, God, are my Heavenly Father, and You know my needs. You care for the lilies of the field and the birds in the sky—how much more valuable am I than them! How great is Your goodness that You’ve stored up for those who trust You. God, You’re able to do immeasurably more than all I can even ask or imagine, according to Your power that’s at work within me. I’ll seek Your Kingdom above all else, and I trust that You’ll meet all my needs according to the riches of Your glory in Christ Jesus. 

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Praying God's Truth Over My Fears

No matter where you look, it seems there’s enough to make you worry. Whether it’s information from news channels sharing the latest updates or friends and family members sharing their fears, it’s easy to let ourselves focus on frightening circumstances. It’s in these challenging times that we have to renew our minds with God’s truth. This 10-day Plan will help you pray God's truth over your heart, mind, and soul.
