God’s Word For Times Like These预览

God’s Word For Times Like These


Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference. 

Max Lucado


This passage is a challenging one, involving God’s judgement on two cities. In the midst of this stands Abraham. As you read this passage, did you notice how persistent Abraham was? He continued to call out to God to answer his prayers. Abraham cared so deeply for his friends and family that he never gave up asking for God’s intervention.

In these uncertain times, whilst the global pandemic spreads, we can choose to be like Abraham. We can call out to God on behalf of the vulnerable, our friends and families. 

We don’t believe that the virus is God’s judgement on the world. But we do believe that, like Abraham, we can be people of prayer and people of action. 


From the news, pick a country that you are unfamiliar with that is stricken with the virus. Pray for the leaders, medical professional and patients.  

With your family

Can you think of something now, or from when you were a child, that you kept asking your parents to do? Talk about these together. What was the result of this persistent asking? Abraham asked God a question six times because he was concerned for the people he cared about. Today we can have confidence in knowing:

•  God cares … He always cares.

•  God is listening … He always listens.

•  God is big enough to cope with our persistent asking.

•  We can trust God even when we may not understand what is happening.

What is something that you want to ask God today? This might be something your whole family wants to ask for together. Write it down and put it on your meal table or somewhere you can see it regularly. Whenever you eat this week, have someone read it out, then pray for it together. 


Lord during these times of uncertainty, we plead for the world that is suffering. Have mercy on us. Amen

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God’s Word For Times Like These

‘God’s Word For Times Like These’ is a series of ten inspirational Bible reading notes from Scripture Union International, written to encourage families as the world faces the coronavirus pandemic.
