Praying Through Coronavirus预览
Depth in a time of distraction
Today I am reflecting on the invitation of Jesus to a deeper intimacy and a more restful life in a time of personal distraction, fearful distortion and cultural disruption.
With flights cancelled, offices closed, restaurants and gyms shut, I have an unprecedented, unexpected opportunity for intimacy with Jesus. He beckons my soul to a place of solitude, away from the crowd, saying: ‘Come with me by yourself to a quiet place and get some rest.’
Henri Nouwen (The Way of the Heart) describes solitude as ‘the furnace of transformation’. ‘Without it,’ he said, ‘we remain victims of our society and continue to be entangled in the illusions of the false self. Solitude is the place of the great struggle and the great encounter - the struggle against the compulsions of the false self, and the encounter with the loving God who offers himself as the substance of the new self.’
What are the characteristics and compulsions of my false self? What masks do I hide behind? What behaviours do I use to avoid God’s presence and to protect myself from change?
I confess these defences and avoidance strategies to Jesus now.
Pause and pray
Many wonderful stories are already coming in of people turning to faith in Jesus in response to this crisis.
I take time now to name friends who aren’t Christians and loved-ones whose usual securities are being shaken and whose normal defence mechanisms have been stripped away, asking that they might begin to consider Christ’s invitation to ‘Come with me’.
Pause and pray
Christ’s invitation to solitude comes at a time when he is experiencing every kind of stress. Prior to this encounter he’s been rejected in his hometown, then he’s heard the devastating news that his cousin John has been beheaded, and now he is so busy that he hasn’t even had time to eat.
It’s easy to think that I’ll finally get my prayer life sorted when all my problems go away. When things get a bit easier and I feel a bit more spiritual. But Jesus reminds me here that I have to be forceful with myself in seeking the solitude of his presence. That he awaits me in the midst of my distractions and problems.
Is he inviting me to take an extended time of prayer and worship, or to study a part of the bible in depth, or to start reading a particular Christian book?
Pause and pray
At this time of so much distraction, I take hold of God’s assurance in Jeremiah 33 promising me fresh inspiration and revelation whenever I call on his name:
‘This is what the Lord says... “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
During this time of global uncertainty, connecting with God in prayer is vital. In this six day plan, Pete Greig, founder of 24-7 Prayer, unpacks how to practically pray through the Coronavirus crisis, exploring themes in scripture and practical application for daily life that will bring strength and hope in the midst of this challenging season.