Freedom for Ladies: A Journey to Freedom in Christ预览

Freedom for Ladies: A Journey to Freedom in Christ


What’s in Your Vessel?

We are capable of holding different kinds of things inside us, as a vessel or jar can hold water or oil. What’s inside you?

One woman’s testimony: “Until I learned daily repentance, I could never understand why the Lord had wasted His time creating me. When I realized that my vessel was full of my own sin as well as generational sin, I panicked. But after I began to repent and replace each sin with the things of God, I realized He had created me for specific things. I love to cook, read, and serve. But the most beautiful diamond that was lying deep in my vessel under all the sin was a desire to write stories for children. Now I am constantly seeing new and beautiful things about myself that are God’s design for me. My vessel was full of diamonds, but it took me 30 years to figure it out.”

Listen carefully. Any sinful things that happened to you were wrong. God wants to heal all the pain that has resulted from wounds in your childhood years. It’s natural for a child who’s being hurt to try to find a way to keep safe and prevent hurt from happening again. When an abusive parent comes home, the child might hide in their room and do anything they can to keep their parents from yelling or hitting. If your parents were not involved in your life, you may have done things to get them to notice you, longing for affirmation. Now God wants to help us deal with all our personal pain from the past. He wants to heal our attitudes and patterns. Say yes to God and let Him search your heart for anything that’s hindering you from your destiny. Let Him empty your heart of the things that are not of Him. Do you have deep hurt from those who raised you and were supposed to protect you? 

Sit with Him now and say yes to letting Him heal the broken pieces of your heart. We all have some. Let’s also sit with Him and ask Him to show us our diamonds and who we are in Christ.


Lord, please empty me of anything that is hindering me from being all You made me to be. Please light up the diamond of who I am in Christ! Activate my DNA to be all You created me to be. I want to walk in my destiny and my calling. 

Be Still: 

Write down anything in your vessel that might be hindering you. Then start a second list of what you think some of your gifts are. If you’re not sure, start with what you love doing. Tomorrow we’ll start talking about what to do with the lists.


Freedom for Ladies: A Journey to Freedom in Christ

Ladies, taste and see that the Lord is good and can give freedom and healing from the pain in your past. Come to know Him in a beautiful, new way, begin to be still before Him, and hear His voice for your life and family. Find out what’s on His heart for you today as you get fresh revelation from God’s Word and the testimonies of others.
