She Is Strong and Courageous 30-Day Devotional预览

She Is Strong and Courageous 30-Day Devotional


Step Out of Your Comfort Zone – The Wise Woman of Tekoa

Small things and big things – what is God calling you to do? Today, we look at the story of the woman who courageously stepped out of her comfort zone to save a father-son relationship.

“And King David, now reconciled to Amnon’s death, longed to be reunited with his son Absalom. Joab realized how much the king longed to see Absalom. So he sent for a woman from Tekoa who had a reputation for great wisdom. He said to her, ‘Pretend you are in mourning; wear mourning clothes and don’t put on lotions. Act like a woman who has been mourning for the dead for a long time. Then go to the king and tell him the story I am about to tell you.’ Then Joab told her what to say. 

When the woman from Tekoa approached the king, she bowed with her face to the ground in deep respect and cried out, ‘O king! Help me!’” (2 Samuel 13:39–14:4).

Pray: Lord, please give me wisdom as I approach your Word. 

Observe: When we consider our God-given dreams, our natural courage and strength are often quickly replaced with fear. But God never leaves us after giving us a dream. He always equips us with everything we need to accomplish his will. 

God often asks us to do things we’re unqualified for and unprepared to do. Pursuing God’s calling typically stretches our faith and can be downright uncomfortable. Fear can usher in doubt and keep us from moving forward. But we don’t have to embrace our fears. God is ready to help—if we will simply say yes, embrace his courage, and take the first step.

King David missed his son Absalom terribly but was unwilling to forgive him. So David’s commander, Joab, devised a plan and called on a wise woman from Tekoa to help him execute it. 

When the woman approached David, she recited her story and revealed her true intention. As a result of her faith and her willingness to step courageously outside her comfort zone, David agreed to bring Absalom home, and the two were reunited.

Courageously step out your comfort zone by asking yourself the following questions: 

1. What hopes and dreams has God placed on my heart? 

2. What gifts and talents has God given me? 

3. What steps can I take to pursue God’s calling?

 4. Who can I call that will encourage and support me as I step outside my comfort zone? 

Interpret: God blesses us and restores our lives when we step out of our comfort zone and pursue his calling.

Apply: What is God encouraging you to do today? Determine your first step, embrace your God-given courage, and take action. 

Pray: Father, reveal to me the plans and purposes you have for my life. Help me know what to do to pursue your will and give me supernatural courage to take the first step. 

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She Is Strong and Courageous 30-Day Devotional

Do you ever wish you were stronger in your faith? In this 30-day devotional with Ann White, we’ll explore the courageous spirits of women of the bible, women in history, and women of our world today whose lives embolden us to have strong faith in God – no matter the twists and turns life throws our way. God wants you to be brave. You can be strong and courageous!
