When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special Edition预览

When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special Edition


Hope Restored

Life can be so cruel. One day you’re healthy and living as you always have, then suddenly, without warning, without doing anything different, you become ill by an invisible virus that can kill you. I have difficulty accepting that life is supposed to be that way. 

To me, life doesn’t seem so good anymore. I’m questioning what it’s all about.

When God created the universe, it was perfect in every way. Everything God made reflected His image—His character, ideals, and purpose. Everything was beautiful and worked together exactly as He intended. But rebellion and sin against God shattered that perfect world. Chaos replaced God’s peaceful order, and the world has been living apart from its rightful relationship with God ever since.

So yes, the world today isn’t as good as God created it to be. The pain, sadness, confusion, and anxiety we feel in response to this pandemic is what life feels like when our relationship with our Creator is broken. But we don’t have to stay in that painful, hopeless place. God sent His Son Jesus to restore our relationship with Him so that we could reconnect with Him. And He has promised that one day all of creation will be restored to perfection, too.

For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

John 3:16–17

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

When our sins are forgiven and our relationship with God is restored, we can live in peace and hope. We can have a renewed life purpose—to know, trust, and serve God in all we do.

 In what ways does trusting in God change your perspective on the difficult times in life?

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When Your Whole World Changes - COVID-19 Special Edition

When Your Whole World Changes – COVID-19 Special Edition helps people deal with the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic. Based on excerpts from the Bible, this 30 day devotion brings unique perspectives to the experience of anxiety and suffering in the face of the global pandemic.
