The Power of the Whatever!预览

The Power of the Whatever!


Listen and Obey the "Whatever"

As I look back on my life, I can remember how often I was instructed for my good and betterment, but I refused to obey the advice. I guess everyone has found themselves in ugly situations simply because they refused, just like me, to listen and follow good advice. It's quite amusing to me, now, when I give my children instructions and advice, and they refuse to listen. How upset it makes me, forgetting I used to be there at one time. 

Listening and obeying comes with maturity. I find myself willing to listen, learn, and obey now that I am older and sometimes wish I would have learned this lesson earlier. I also believe when we have a relationship with Jesus, listening and obeying becomes a lot easier. Jesus' life on the earth never ceases to amaze me, and I love to read about his miracles because there are so many hidden truths to unpack in them.

The transfiguration of Jesus is a beautiful story. One day, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up a mountain, and he transfigured before them. He was so radiant that his clothes became dazzling. (See Mark 9). As the disciples continued beholding this incredible scene, there appeared Elijah and Moses talking with Jesus, being surprised and afraid. Peter never fails to make sure he gives his opinion. I think he might have been in shock at what he was seeing and just spoke out of fear. Nevertheless, the scene continues to unfold. A cloud hovers over them, a voice speaks, and Moses and Elijah fade away, “This is My Son, the [most dearworthy] Beloved One. Be constantly listening to and obeying Him!" - Mark 9:7b AMPC. 

Before we go to what God said about Jesus, we see Moses and Elijah standing with Jesus, Moses representing the lawgiver. The Jews loved and respected Moses as their deliverer from bondage, and Elijah was one of their great prophets. They were regarded and feared men of old, and the people listened to them for direction, warning, and success. 

But, a new time was about to be birthed in the lives of both the Jews and the Gentiles. Suddenly the two great men fade away, and God distinguishes his Son as the ultimate voice. The writer of Hebrews tells us, “Throughout our history, God has spoken to our ancestors by his prophets in many different ways. The revelation he gave them was only a fragment at a time, building one truth upon another. But to us, living in these last days, God now speaks to us openly in the language of a Son." (Hebrews 1:1-2 TPT).

I love that Abba Father did not say to only listen, but obey. Do you know every day Jesus is speaking to us through the written word (Bible), and the Holy Spirit brings to light what Jesus is saying, but the obedience to the word is seldom practiced? Hearing is just part of the equation to success and blessings. It is obedience to what we hear Jesus saying that activates the blessings, miracles, and favor of God.

Today as you read the word of God, may the Holy Spirit enlighten your spirit to listen and obey whatever Jesus is saying!

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The Power of the Whatever!

In this devotional, Pastor Lisa Singh unravels a hidden secret in "the whatever" God instructs us to do. Listening and obeying God's instructions is key to living the life He has mapped out for us. Take the journey today to learn more about "whatever" God has in store for you and experience the super in your natural.
